About our day care sessions
Several opportunities to interact, play, swim, climb, fetch!
Many people with active dogs or puppies like to give them the opportunity to play with other dogs and have socialization experiences beyond the home. Day care is an ideal environment to teach social etiquette and give an energetic pet a real play workout with other dogs. In day care, dogs have several opportunities to interact with other dogs, play ball, swim, climb, fetch, play Frisbee, or whatever they like … assuming it is legal. We guarantee your pet will go home tired after a day care session.
Dogs should be dropped off between 7:30-9:30 a.m. in order to ensure they get ample time to play during morning play-time sessions. Day care dogs should be picked up prior to closing (6 p.m.).
We have a Premium Day Care Program where you can purchase a 6 day card (these cards cannot be used for overnight stays). We have programs for single and double dog families. Dogs can swim in our official DockDogs training pool at no additional charge. These cards do not expire. Please call us for more information.
7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
8-11 a.m.
3-6 p.m.
(Plus applicable sales tax)
Day care (per dog, 5 day, 10 day, 15 day packages)
Double dog day care cards (1 card, 2 dogs, 6 days)